
Exploring the official bindings between React and Redux, and getting a better grip on the marriage in the process

A look at the React-Redux lib

Tags: reactredux

The premise

Let's take a closer look at React-Redux, Dan Abramov's official helper library for combining React and Redux. What does this marriage actually entail?

In order to find out, we're going to build a super simple app that uses both React and Redux. We'll make one version where we glue the parts together ourselves, and then one where we let React-Redux act as bridge.

Here's the super-complicated app we're going to build:

The Redux parts

We begin by creating the Redux plumbing needed to support this app! We'll follow the same pattern as discussed in the Redux example walkthrough post.

  • Our app state will be an array of strings.

  • Let's make our initial state prepopulated with a quote to set the tone:

    var initial = ['Carpe diem'];
  • The single action that can happen, adding a quote, could look like this:

    type: 'ADD',
    text: 'Do unto others etc etc'
  • Here's the reducer to handle this setup:

    var reducer = function(state,action){
    case 'ADD': return state.concat(action.text);
    default: return state;
  • We instantiate the store as per usual:

    var store = Redux.createStore(reducer,initial);
  • We only need one action creator to interact with our store, but let's put it in an object anyway:

    var actionCreators = {
    addQuote: function(text){
    return {type:'ADD',text:text};

Now all the Redux parts needed to support our functionality are in place!

React components

The app can be broken down into two components:

  • QuoteList to display the quotes
  • QuoteForm to hold the form for new quotes

We farmed out the creation of these components to some interns. Because they didn't know what data handling solution the app would use, they've made the components portable. This of course is good practice in any scenario, as it makes the code easier to test and less coupled.

Let's check out what they gave us!

  • First we have QuoteList. It expects to receive an array of quotes in the quotes property:

    var QuoteList = function(props){
    var list =,n){
    return <li key={n}>{q}</li>;
    return (
    <div className="quoteslist">
    <h3>Words of Wisdom</h3>

  • And then we have QuoteForm, which renders the form where the user enters a new quote. This components expects to receive a callback in the callback property which will be invoked with the text of the new quote when the user clicks the button.

    var QuoteForm = React.createClass({
    submit: function(e){
    var field = this.refs.field;
    field.value = '';
    render: function(){
    return (
    <form onSubmit={this.submit}>
    <input ref='field' />
    <button type='submit'>Add</button>


    Note that they had to use the createClass syntax for the QuoteForm component. Otherwise they couldn't use refs, which they need in order to collect the value from the input tag.

Our mission

Obviously, we are far from done. The Redux code is complete and the React components are in place, but they're not connected to each other.

Both React components have a clear interface; they expect to be given certain props. A common pattern is to wrap them in container components which are hooked into the data layer and supplies these props. Then our final app could be:

var App = function(props){
return (
<QuoteListContainer />
<QuoteFormContainer />


Creating these container components is exactly what our mission now entails!

The vanilla version

As promised, before we look at React-Redux, we'll have a go at implementing these containers ourselves, vanilla style.

  • First we have QuoteList, which expects to be given an array of quotes as a prop. Since we must also update when the data changes, we need to create a component that has Redux data as state. Said and done!

    var QuoteListContainer = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function(){
    return {quotes:[]};
    componentDidMount: function(){
    this.setState({quotes: store.getState()});
    render: function(){
    return <QuoteList quotes={this.state.quotes} />;

    In the componentDidMount lifecycle hook we initiate a store subscription, which will update the component state on every change.

  • Moving on to QuoteForm - that component needs to be given a callback which it invokes with new quotes. This should of course be passed along to the store.

    First we create bound action creators for our component to use:

    var boundActionCreators = Redux.bindActionCreators(

    This will ensure that whatever is returned from the action creators will be passed along to store.dispatch.

    We then make a container that simply passes in the bound action creator:

    var QuoteFormContainer = function(props){
    return <QuoteForm callback={boundActionCreators.addQuote}/>;

We can now initialise our app as expected!

store.dispatch({type:'BOGUSEVENT'}); // triggers initial render

Aaaand, we're done!

This vanilla solution works just fine. The only downside is that we had to access our store to create our containers;

  • QuoteListContainer needed store.subscribe and store.getState
  • QuoteFormContainer needed store.dispatch.

A stand-alone vanilla version with full source displayed can be found here.

The React-Redux API

Before we create containers with React-Redux, let's explore the API!

The primary workhorse of React-Redux is the .connect method which generates container components. Sounds like exactly what we need! It has the following syntax:

mapStateToProps, // connecting to store state
mapDispatchToProps, // connecting to store dispatch
mergeProps // baking all props together
)(ComponentToWrap) // the component to be wrapped

Notice the slightly weird double invocation syntax - the call to connect returns a function which is then immediately called with a component. It could just as well have been created as one single method with 4 arguments, so don't lose sleep over this.

We'll now look at the 3 parameters to connect one at a time:

  • mapStateToProps is a function. It will be invoked with the store state, and what you return from the method will become additional props on the component.

    function mapStateToProps(appstate){
    return {
    numberOfPosts: appstate.posts.length
  • mapDispatchToProps can be an object or a function. If it is an object it is assumed to contain action creators. It will be made available as props on the component, only now all methods automatically pipe what they're returning to the store dispatch much like after a Redux.bindActionCreators call.

    If mapDispatchToProps is a function then it'll be invoked with the store dispatch, and you must manually return props and add dispatch calls yourself.

    function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch){
    return {
    addPost: function(text){
    var action = actionCreators.addPost(text);
  • Finally the mergeProps function handles the fact that a connected component receives props from 3 sources which must somehow be baked together:

    bake props

    If mergeProps isn't supplied then ReactRedux will do this by default:

    props = Object.assign({}, parentProps, stateProps, dispatchProps)

    For the majority of cases this is fine. But if you want control, provide mergeProps and do your own baking. It is called with all three sources like this:

    function mergeProps(fromState,fromDispatch,fromParent){
    // do your own baking and return it
    return myBakedProps;

Now we know what we need to know in order to put ReactRedux.connect to work! There are several other nuances to the API that we didn't look at here, so check the official homepage for those if you're interested.

React-Redux integration

Ok, let's now remake the integration with the React-Redux lib instead! Here's how the two containers are created:

  • We start with making the QuoteListContainer. Remember, QuoteList expected the array of quotes as a props, which must also be kept live as the data updates. Thus we'll need to use the mapStateToProps function.

    We need to map the entire app state, which is the array of quotes, to the quotes property:

    var mapStateToQuoteListProps = function(appstate){
    return { quotes: appstate };

    Now we create the container using the .connect method:

    var QuoteListContainer = ReactRedux.connect(

    This QuoteListContainer will act exactly like the vanilla version, including keeping the data updated.

  • Now for QuoteFormContainer. It doesn't need to map state, but it expects the callback prop to be a method whose return value should be dispatched.

    Thus it suffices to simply rename the addQuote action creator to "callback":

    var QuoteFormContainer = ReactRedux.connect(
    null, // don't need appstate
    {callback: actionCreators.addQuote}

    If we had been allowed to edit the code of QuoteForm to use props.addQuote instead of props.callback, then we could have passed in the actionCreators object directly:

    var QuoteFormContainer = ReactRedux.connect(

There, now we have both container components in place!

But, hang on - there's no single reference to the store anywhere in our code. How does .connect actually connect our components to the store?

Here's the final piece of the pussle: we must wrap our entire app in a Provider component which is given a store reference:

var Provider = ReactRedux.Provider;

<Provider store={store}>

The Provider uses the React context API to supply a store reference to the generated container components.

This version of our app is published here, again with the full source appended.


Since React Context is "an advanced an experimental feature" where "the API is likely to change", there's been some concern around the fact that React-Redux (and others) uses it. What if context goes away and React-Redux ceases to function, what will happen to my app which uses both?

As this post has hopefully shown - absolutely nothing. React-Redux is a very small helper library that saves us from having to pass a store reference around and reduces our code by a few lines. But the hand-made containers are pretty decopupled too, and they're not that much of a hassle to create.

Wrapping up

Whether or not you decide to use React-Redux in your React and Redux app, I hope this post has helped you to better understand the bridging problem and the various solutions available!

PS: Shameless plug time again! This post is an (adapted) excerpt from a 2-day React+Redux training course that I provide through my employer Edument. So if you're in Scandinavia and hungry for more, [check it out](!